National Social Work Month
Social workers strive to create equality every day. That’s why the theme of this year’s National Social Work Month is Breaking Barriers, according to the National Association of Social Workers.
Social workers are instruments of change in the world, helping to improve one life at a time. Their incredible dedication helps people at different stages of life through their work in hospitals, schools, mental health practices, the criminal justice system, corporations, mental health practices, and in government. And this only skims the surface!
Their dedication to social justice is unsurpassed. With a passion to bring equity for all, social workers effectively change laws, systems, and policies by advocating for people, ensuring that everyone receives services that are needed. They tirelessly raise public awareness to change the status quo.
Social workers make an impact on an individual level, as well, by helping people to overcome obstacles like affordable housing, food insecurity, and more. With the dramatic growth in adults who are turning 65 years old, social workers are an important resource for seniors, their families, and caregivers. Meeting the needs of a diverse older population, social workers are an integral part of aging. We take a moment to honor social workers and the incredible, life-changing work they do. Thank a social worker today!
CarePatrol has a unique and strong connection to the field of social work. Chuck Bongiovanni, a medical social worker, founded CarePatrol in 1993 after he observed the trauma of a family whose loved one was placed in the wrong type of facility. He wanted to ensure older adults had advocacy and had the right senior care options presented to them. CarePatrol became the pioneer organization of the now-thriving senior placement field.