Significant Holidays in February

February welcomes significant holidays like Black History Month, Valentine’s Day, Presidents Day, Groundhog Da and National Senior Independence Month! Learn about some of the holidays being observed this month.

National Observances

  • Feb 1-28 Black History Month was promoted in February 1969 by Black students and educators at Kent State University, followed by the first celebration of Black History Month on campus and local surroundings one year later.
  • Feb 01 National Senior Independence Month is about helping senior citizens find ways to live a dignified and happy life with the help of those around them.
  • Feb 02 Groundhog Day The Pennsylvania Dutch were German-speaking immigrants who settled in Pennsylvania. They developed their own take on the legend of Candlemas in the 18th and 19th centuries bringing with them the custom of the native Groundhog as their annual weather announcer.
  • Feb 14 Valentine’s Day It was during the 1400s that the day was associated with romance. Messages, or ‘Valentines’ as they were called, began to appear. Handwritten letters and poems declaring affections of love became more and more popular.
  • Feb 20 Presidents Day With the date landing in the middle of Lincoln’s and Washington’s birthday, it became known as Presidents’ Day, while having a simultaneous benefit for retail stores as they advertised their special sales events during this time. By the mid-1980s, Presidents’ Day became the common term and continues to be called as such to this day.

Did you know food holidays are a thing? 
Take advantage of celebrating with your loved ones this month!

  • Feb 03 National Carrot Cake Day
  • Feb 11 National Latte Day
  • Feb 09 National Chocolate Day
  • Feb 09 National Pizza Day
  • Feb 18 National Drink Wine Day
  • Feb 20 National Muffin Day
  • Feb 22 National Margarita Day

Your friends at CarePatrol want to take this opportunity to thank you for all you do to help the seniors in your life stay confident, vibrant, and engaged. Whether you are a family member, caregiver or anyone who professionally helps our aging population, you deserve a pat on the back for all you do!

(SOURCE: https://nationaltoday.com/february-holidays/#feb-10)