5 Dangers of Heat Stroke and Exhaustion for the Elderly
By CarePatrol
Hot weather is a concern all over the United States, but especially in Arizona heat stroke and heat exhaustion are deadly for the elderly.
Seniors are especially at risk due to increased age-related health problems and medication that affects the body.
The elderly should take extra care regarding these 5 heat-related dangers.
- Dehydration– Tea, soda, and certain types of medication can be dehydrating, especially in excess on a hot day. Be sure to drink plenty of water.
- Wearing dark or heavy clothes– Sunlight absorbs into dark clothing which raises your core body temperature. Wearing many layers on a hot day is also not a good idea.
- Being outdoors between 10am and 6pm– This is the hottest time of the day and should be a planned time to spend time indoors and relax. This is not the time to be doing Zumba outside and if you must be active, stay in an air-conditioned facility such as the mall.
- Broken AC unit or no AC available– If you don’t have air conditioning then go to a family member’s place (that has AC) or a neighbor that you know (also with AC). A cool bath can also be an option if the other two are unavailable. Any public place, such as a store or movie theater, has air conditioning, and that is better than staying at home in the heat.
- Feeling dizzy or having nausea– These are two of many signs of heat-related illness.
Go to Web MD’s website http://www.webmd.com/first-aid/understanding-heat-related-illness-symptoms to learn more about the symptoms of heat-related illness (Understanding Heat-Related Illness — Symptoms, n.d.).
Works Cited
Understanding Heat-Related Illness — Symptoms. (n.d.). Retrieved from Web MD: http://www.webmd.com/first-aid/understanding-heat-related-illness-symptoms