Senior woman sitting alone on sofa, christmas tree in background

Post Holiday Depression & Seniors

January brings a bit of sadness or depression to many of us, but for seniors it can be even more significant. While December was consumed with making plans, shopping, baking, celebrating and family meals, January returns us to the hum-drum of our daily lives. For our beloved Seniors, many of whom already battle with depression throughout the year, post-holiday depression can become debilitating. So how can we, the caregivers, help? Make plans!

Get them a calendar and help them make plans. If they are able to get out, make a weekly “date” for them to go to lunch. Share this idea with family and friends who are nearby and ask everyone to take a week to be on “the care patrol calendar”. Equally important to planning lunch outings, is making plans to just be present with them. Grandkids, friends, caregivers, church members, and neighbors can all take turns spending an hour listening and “going down memory lane” with their senior. Just knowing that someone is coming to visit for an hour is a tremendous help in avoiding “the blues”.

Whether your loved one is homebound or they are able to travel, making plans with them, giving them something to look forward to and spending time listening to them are the greatest gifts you can give. Share the gift of planning, listening and loving in 2019!